My Blood Sugar Test is Promising

I had my doctor’s appointment yesterday where I got the results of my blood test. Among other things, my A1C has gone down quite dramatically to an acceptable level – from 11 to 7.3. Although the American Diabetes Association (ADA) declares that what is really acceptable & normal should be at least 6.9 or below, my A1C reading of 7.3 does not really reflect a 3-month span, since I was only diagnosed last March 9. The truth is, this is only a 2-month reading, according to my doctor, and yet it has shown a dramatic change already. My doctor was saying that if this is how low my A1C reading has become in a span only of two months, he was hopeful that it could still go down maybe even below 6, after another month. My doctor was happy about the results. I felt happy too about myself and what I have accomplished.

My doctor was curious how I was able to lower down my A1C in so short a time. I simply told him that the key to my initial success was nothing but diet and exercise, and of course, taking my regular medications. Due to my dieting and regular exercise, I have lost at least 16 pounds already. Before I was diagnosed with this illness, I weighed 190 lbs. Now I only weigh 174 lbs (as per the doctor’s weighing scale). My personal weighing scale however does give me a different reading of 170 lbs. But I still want to lose some more weight. I intend to lose another 20 lbs in the coming months. That is one of my goals now.

My triglyceride has come down dramatically too, from over 300 to 160. My bad cholesterol is down, which is very good, but so is my good cholesterol, which is causing me a bit of concern. My doctor is intending to prescribe me a pill to help raise my good cholesterol.

The blood test shows that my kidney, heart and other vital organs seem to be in order and functioning well. My blood pressure is excellent, according to my doctor. Over all, my doctor was happy about the results.

The only concern I have at the moment is in regard to my constipation. I told my doctor that I have had constipation for more than two weeks already, and I really don’t know what’s causing it. In fact, I should not have any problem about constipation because I am taking in Metformin for my diabetes, and this can even cause diarrhea as a side effect. Also, I should not have this problem because I am drinking a lot of water too. A few days ago, I also started taking in Metamucil, a fiber supplement, which is very effective in treating occasional constipation and restoring regularity of vowel movement. But, as of this time, I still have the same problem. For this, my doctor has prescribed me a new pill to take- it’s called Amitiza. I have to take two capsules daily, with food. Well, let’s see what happens. In the meantime, he has made some kind of arrangement that I should get a colonoscopy, to see if there is any problem related to this. I still have to make an appointment with a specialist on this.

So, this is where I stand at the moment. In the meantime, I am hoping that when I see my endocrinologist in a few days, I could ask her that I be taken off from insulin already, if it is possible. My appointment with my cardiologist is also upcoming in a few weeks.


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