One of the greatest pleasures that we can have in this world is when we have families, true friends and acquaintances that we can really trust and depend on. In the first place, we need other people in order to exist and survive. We are not isolated individuals. We exist with others. That is why we are called social beings. Our nature and existence are interdependent with other individuals. Therefore, to think that we can live alone by ourselves and exist alone by ourselves is essentially a fallacious statement and a mistaken identity.
When I was diagnosed with my illness, I was so overwhelmed with the outpouring of love and concern by many friends and acquaintances. I never really thought and imagined that so many people had been praying for me and extending their support. My trials and sufferings became much lighter to carry knowing that I have a family, many friends and acquaintances who are ready to help and support me in this journey of my life. In spite of my illness, I could say that I am so lucky in so many ways that I have these family and friends whom I can depend on, not only when everything is right, but most especially when I am facing some trials and difficulties. In times like this, the support from family, friends and other people is very important.
As I begin to look back into my life now, I can identify a number of people who had been there for me all the way, in good times and in not so good times. People who were always ready to share with me the so called ‘burdens’ of life. People who have not ran away from me when I was in difficulty, or when I was facing some problems or trials. People who cried with me when I was in pain, and who laughed with me when I was feeling some excitement and joy. People who were ready to correct me when I was not doing right, and who affirmed me when I have reached some success. These are the people we can trust and depend on. We need people like them to hang on, be able to share our dreams with, our successes, our pains and even our failures. When we are sick, the pain of loneliness and fear of the unknown can sometimes be overwhelming. It’s good for us if we have families who love and care for us and whom we can readily depend on. But, for some people who are ill or in crisis situations, they are left alone by themselves to face their own survival. In situation like this, the pain of loneliness can sometimes be even more difficult to face than the physical ailment itself. That is why, for people who are affected with diabetes, or some similar illness, we are always encouraged to form or join some kind of support group. This support group can be very helpful not only in terms of our psychological and moral balancing of ourselves, but also for social and spiritual support. Yes, we need other people to help us in this journey. Without the support of families and friends, our world is simply darn, lonely and dark.
Let us be thankful if we have a loving family and good friends we can count on. For those who are living alone facing their own survival, we pray that they will not feel deserted. May God’s loving presence be felt by them as they face this very difficult journey of their life.
13 years ago
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