I was at CVS the other day to pick up a mother’s day card for my cousin. Then I realized that I was browsing for a mother’s card that I should have liked to give to my mom today instead. My mom passed away in 1999. But there is not a day that I don’t think about her.
Today we celebrate and honor the life and work of mothers. For me, motherhood is one of the most fundamental institutions of God’s creation. Although some of us may have struggled with their moms, but who of us can ever really forget our mothers.
Now and then we hear about unsung heroes. There is probably no more unsung a hero than a true mother.
If we consider what she has done for us, what she is doing for us, what she will do for us should some urgency require... and compare this to what little thanks she receives in turn –it’s so sad that mothers generally go unrecognized in this world.
Let us not make the same mistake.
The book of Ecclesiastes (17:24-30) states, “Honor thy father and mother and forget not the groanings of thy mother. Remember that thou hast not been born but through them: and make a return to them as they have done for thee.”
Our mother carried us nine months in her womb, she nourished us with her own substance; she gave us birth in a most painful way; she nursed us at the breast... when we could not feed ourselves, she fed us; when we could not change our diapers, she did. As we grew, it is true, the father began to share the pains of child raising. But is it “the groanings of thy mother” we are told not to forget. Mostly, mothers need be praised for giving us life.
In the Old Testament we read that when the elder Tobias was growing old, he said to his son, also called Tobias, “When God shall take away my soul, thou shall bury my body, and thou shall honor thy mother all the days of thy life: for thou must be mindful what and how great perils she suffered for thee in her womb.(Tobit 4:3-4)
Our mothers suffered to give us life... even now those heroic mothers who stay home to raise their children suffer. The father gets to leave the home most days of the week; he gets to intermingle with people and co-workers, perhaps have lunch with friends at a café; he may even receive promotions and certificates of “job well done.” It is different with a stay home mother. She stays home where she, day in and day out, looks at the same walls, hears the same voices, occupies herself with the same chores for which no promotion is forthcoming. It is a suffering of the humdrum.
Do we give our mothers appreciation even for this type of humdrum suffering? Perhaps. But as much as we ought, probably not.
Let us recall often the words of the book of Wisdom, “in the womb of my mother I was fashioned.”(7:1) Without my mother I would not have life. But to be praised too is that mother who sacrifices a job of the world for a world at home with her children.
On this day, and often besides, let us wish our mothers a happy day if not with words at least with a good life for virtuous children are the true pleasure of parents. Adults - we should daily pray for our parents; we should call, write, or visit them frequently. Children - pray every day for your parents, but also be obedient and uncomplaining; do your homework and chores on time and without complaint. Good deeds greatly please our mothers and will be a sign of our appreciation for what they have done for us.
There was an interesting story about John who was 12 years old, and who became self-conscious about his mother’s hands. Although she was in every way beautiful woman, her hands were terribly scarred and twisted. John’s father was the first to notice that John, who had once brought his friends home to play, now no longer did so. “Perhaps you would like to know how your mother came to have such hands,” said his father, “because when I married her, they were lovely. One day when you were just able to toddle about, your mother turned her back for a moment. You made for the fireplace and stood too close. You screamed, and because there was nothing else available and the flames were growing, she smothered the fire with her own hands. She saved you but sacrificed her hands in doing so.”
Our mothers will sacrifice anything and everything for us. That’s how they show their love for their children.
I have received this email a few years ago, and I have kept it till now. The title of the email is: “The Portrait of a Mother, written by Ermie Jaramillo.
What is a mother? Que es una madre?
A mother is someone who cares for and loves her children deeply.
A mother is a person who worries about her children, day and night, every moment.
When they are infants, a mother worries when they are sick, and stays up all night taking care of them and praying that they get well. When they get older, a mother worries about where they are going and whom they are with. A mother worries about her children constantly, hoping that they are being raised correctly and hoping that someday they will grow up to be good and loving parents, and live a respected and prosperous life.
A mother teaches her children the values of respect, the appreciation of hard work, and the affirmation of God and faith.
Young people of today, don’t forget that mothers are very special people, and you’ll only have one in your lifetime. Take care of your mother and never get tired telling her how special she is and that you love her. Make this day and every day special for your mother by the gift of love from your heart. She may not be with you next year, or the year after that. So, love you mother everyday and always.
Finally, mothers of all ranks, never forget the great reward laid up for you by the good God. By fulfilling well your vocation you have many opportunities in the day to show your love for God. We have only to consider the words of the blessed Lord to know this: “Whatever you have done for these little ones, you have done unto me.”
Happy Mother’s Day!
13 years ago
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