This morning I heard the shocking news that two of our active parishioners(who are sisters) died in a tragic car accident yesterday. Actually, there were five of them who perished in that car accident. Four of them were siblings --3 sisters, and a brother. The fifth person was a brother-in-law of our two deceased parishioners. All of the fatalities were in their 70's. According to the news story, all the deceased were riding on the same car. They just attended a wedding of a relative, and they were on their way to the reception when the accident happened. Apparently, their vehicle was struck from behind by a truck, which in turn ignited the car into flames. All of them died instantly.
If this was just a news that I read on the papers, it would have been different, I am sure. But what was so sad and heartening was that---I knew personally all the three sisters. Two of them were very active parishioners of our parish. The three sisters were members of my Faith Study Class. They used to come regularly and attend my class every second Friday of the month. One of them was very close to me. She was a member of my team who helped me out tremendousbly when I did our first parish recollection last March. The two sisters who were members of our parish just sent me a beautiful card for Easter, with their warm wishes and greetings. The day before yesterday, I just saw them in church when they accompanied their great grand nephew for his first reconciliation. Now and then I used to talk to one of them on the phone when I had some requests or things to be done. Now, you would understand why I feel so sad and downtrodden right now. I am sure many of our parishioners who knew them feel the same way. I could not understand why these two beautiful souls, who were very religious, God-fearing, service-oriented, loving and kind ...could just be taken from this world, just by the twinkling of an eye.Yes, life is indeed short. We have to be prepared always because we don't know when death will come knocking at our doors.
Yes, I prayed for them today, and all the members of their family who perished in that accident. Please, may I ask you to pray for them as well. We pray that God will bless their souls and reward them with everlasting life. May they rest in peace.
13 years ago
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