Prayer on Healing
Great God, through Jesus Christ You have revealed Yourself to be a God of the suffering. The Lord Jesus showed us ever so clearly that You are not a Divinity who watches suffering from the safety of some heavenly clime. Rather, You have proven beyond any doubt that You are near to those who suffer.
And someday You will explain to me and all of humankind of every age the “why” and the purpose and the necessity of all suffering. Of every little pain. Of every serious illness. Of every heartrending loss.
Our Lord Jesus Christ caused the deaf to hear, the blind to see, the lame to walk. He cast out evil spirits, giving His own in their place. He forgave sins, giving sinners His grace so that they would sin no more. It was the same Jesus in whom You were well pleased.
This is my assurance that I, too, shall be healed. The time and the place of my healing are hidden from my eyes. That knowledge is part of the mystery of suffering itself.
Until my healing comes, Lord, give me Your grace so that I may accept my suffering. Give me Your strength so that I will not despair. Give me Your love so that my suffering may bring me closer to You, the origin and source of all love. Amen.
Jesus, The Divine Physician
Invocation: “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on us!”
(Pray Invocation after each petition)
(1) For all the sick and lonely people, that they may experience the healing hands of the Lord Jesus.
(2) For those who are ill among my family and friends, that they be restored to full health: physically, mentally and spiritually.
(3) For the well-being of all who care for the sick: doctors, nurses and caregivers.
(4) For the homebound, the bedridden and those in wheelchairs, who have to rely on others for their needs.
(5) For those who suffer serious diseases, that God’s loving Spirit may radiate within them.
(6) For those with disabling handicaps, that they reach out in faith to touch the hem of the Lord’s garment and know His power.
(7) For those who are physically fit but suffering from mental anguish or depression, that the Lord grant them His peace and give them courage to become whole again.
(8) For legislators, that they will pass laws to provide for research and dignified care for the indigent, the elderly and those with catastrophic illness.
(9) For the grace of God to accept my suffering and that of my beloved ones as a way to draw closer to Him.
Jesus, You are God’s Gift of Healing love. While on earth, You healed the sick who came for help. I believe you continue to heal the sick today. Heal me and those for whom I pray. Amen.
Sacred Scripture Accounts of Jesus Healing in the New Testament
(Before praying to Our Lord, you may want to look up scriptural passages dealing with His healing power. An important message is that it is best to approach Him humbly)
The nobleman’s son – John 4:46
Peter’s Mother-in-law – Matt. 8:14; Mark 1:29; Luke 4:38
The Paralytic – Matt 9:2; Mark 2:1; Luke 5:17
The Paralytic – John 5
The many persons – Matt. 12:15; Mark 3:7
The centurion’s servant – Matt 8:5; Luke 7:1
The woman who touched Jesus’ cloak – Matt 9:18; Mark 5:22; Luke 8:41
The two blind men – Matt. 9:27
The demonic daughter of the Gentile woman – Matt. 15:21; Mark 7:24
The dumb man – Matt. 15:29; Mark 7:31
The ten lepers – Luke 17:11
The blind man – John 9
(Source: Apostolate of the Printed Word; Sacred Heart League, Walls, Mississippi 38686)
13 years ago
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