Throughout my life I have encountered a significant number of people who had been sick and suffering from all forms of ailments like cancer, aids, heart and nerve problems, diabetes, blindness, etc., just to name a few. And for those who were afflicted with such or any kind of disease, even in hopeless cases, there was always a great longing for them to be cured and to be healed. Surprising as it may seem for some, but most if not all these people afflicted with these diseases will do anything possible to find a cure for their sickness, even if they had to submit themselves and resort to what we call magical healings, faith healings, and superstitions – if only to satisfy their desires. Yes, the “hurts” of life for which people seek healing are many and varied. We maybe hurting from poor personal health, from family problems, or from injustices inflicted upon us. Some of us maybe experiencing some pain due to broken relationships, or maybe we are in grief and in despair, weary and bruised due to the loss of a loved one. Indeed, our prayers and thoughts are directed to the scourge of human sickness in all its forms. If it’s not physical ailment, it can be emotional, psychological, or even spiritual problems.
Since I have been diagnosed with my illness just more than a month ago today, I have been praying so hard to find a cure for this illness, although I know for a fact that at this time, there is no permanent cure of this illness. But I have not lost hope. I believe in my heart that someday our medical scientists and researchers will find a cure for this illness to end the human tragedy caused by this disease. But as to when will that be, I don’t know.
The other day, Tuesday, the 15th of April, I attended a Faith healing mass conducted by a Filipino priest, Fr. Fernando Suarez, a “faith healer” priest who is becoming world renowned because of his apparent healing gifts. Fr. Suarez conducted this healing mass at St. Mary’s Church in Rahway, New Jersey, where there were about two thousand people or more who attended this healing session. The gymnasium and the Church were packed with people, some with crutches and sitting in wheelchairs. Some were standing outside because there was no place else to stay. I haven’t seen so many people for a while who attended a mass so devoutly and fervently. After the concelebrated solemn mass, Fr. Suarez began his healing session.
At the outset I would like to say it here that I am a person who is not easily taken or convince with such faith healing performances and activities, unless I find any solid basis why I have to believe that such activities are not contrary to reason and faith. Because of this, some of my friends sometimes call me a “doubting Thomas,” or a “skeptic,” whatever that means. So when I was invited by a friend to attend the healing session of Fr. Suarez, I found myself being skeptical. But, for whatever reason, I agreed to go. Now I understand why I went in spite of my skepticism. Because I was such in a desperate need for healing. Right now, I would do anything and submit myself to anything as long as I would be cured from my illness.
What I have observed and experienced in that healing session changed my belief completely. When Fr. Suarez started his healing session, he began by simply touching and praying over the sick people. It was for me reminiscent of how Jesus was touching the sick people as he cured them. At this time, I have witnessed people who were instantly cured of their illnesses. People in wheel chairs got up and started to walk; people who were deaf, now they could hear; people who were blind, now they could see. It was an amazing and emotional experience for me watching these people being cured instantly. Some were crying, some were jumping up with joy, and others were just simply dumbfounded because of their overwhelming experience. I myself was dumbfounded and unable to speak. I thought at first that what I was seeing was not real. I stood there silently for more than two hours just observing and watching what was going on. But I said to myself later, if you read the Scriptures you will find the numerous miracles of Jesus, especially of how he was curing people of their illnesses. If you believe in those miracles performed by Jesus, what I was seeing at that healing session were also miracles being performed through the instrumentality of this unassuming priest, who always claims that Jesus is the healer and not himself. Are miracles do still happen today? Yes indeed. Every time we celebrate the mass, it is our belief that Jesus performs a miracle by changing the bread and wine into becoming his body and blood. Everyday we hear about stories after stories of “miracles” which are happening around us –whether it pertains to physical healing, or healing of broken relationships, or an unexpected triumph over some difficulties, etc. Yes, miracles still do happen. We just have to believe in God that he has the power to heal us. God is the great healer, and he can use anyone as his instrument, even like the person of Fr. Suarez, to bring about healing and wholeness in our tattered bodies and in our broken world.
In our own lives, perhaps we too have experienced times when we needed the healing power of Jesus. Perhaps we had a sick relative, or colleague, or perhaps we had a problem, which we could not find a solution. We naturally tend to pray for complete healing and alleviation of our problems. But when we lose patience, or it is not solved the way we expected it to be, do we end up disappointed and angry?
During these times, it is difficult to acknowledge that God’s will is being done, but perhaps we need to look deeper. Maybe the sick friend, colleague or relative’s suffering was minimized after we offered prayers. Maybe we found an alternative solution that minimized the problem. We must always remember that even through difficult times, God has done something for us.
We have to remember always that Jesus is aware of the host of ailments. In the scripture we read that He cured many but did not abolish sickness altogether. Sickness and suffering, he taught, are part and parcel of human existence. As someone said, sickness can make us bitter or better persons. Pain can lead to despair, anger and sometimes acts of emotional or physical violence. But for some of us it can make us better human beings. It can also deepen our faith in God.
As I sit here thinking about the healing session of Fr. Suarez, it makes me realize more and more how God loves us. That we need to trust him constantly and believe that he can change us and make our bodies whole again. I for one have to dispel my skepticism and doubt and just trust him because I know he can heal me. Jesus once asked the blind man: “What would you like me to do for you?” And the blind man said, “Lord, make me see.” This is also my prayer today. “Lord, make me see your goodness. Heal me from all my infirmities.”
13 years ago
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