I just posted a video in www.dailygospelreflection.com from youtube entitled "Good Samaritan Left for Dead." This story was in almost all the news network the other day (4/26/2010). It's about a story of a guy who tried to help a woman who was mugged, and got himself stabbed and left for dead. A number of people passed him by in the sidewalk and never dared to help him. In fact, one guy even took a picture of the dying man. People just passed him by unconcerned, offered no help, and just continued on their way. It just reminded me about the story of the Samaritan in the scripture. This time, it is real. It just made me feel sick watching the video. I cannot imagine that people nowadays just don't care anymore. What has happened to us human beings? What has happened to our sense of humanity and connectedness? Where is our sense of values? I thought we are sons and daughters of One God. But no - many people have simply negated their affinity (relationship) with their fellow human beings. Is it really true that man is a social being? I just wonder. Such an attitude displayed in this news story negate this fact. Why do human beings don't care anymore? Does it have something to do with the feeling and senses being disensitize? I don't know. I was listening to one of the explanations being forwarded by a psychologist who was being interviewed in this video on why this prevalent attitude among many people these days. The bottom line is, if you believe in God (or even if you don't), we cannot deny the fact that we have a responsibility for our fellow human being. Not only by reason of decency, but by the fact that we belong to the same human race, that God has given us knowledge to know what is right or wrong, that we are human beings imbued with conscience and intelligence– we have an obligation for one another. If you are a believer in God, we know for a fact that we were all made in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, we are all brothers and sisters because we have the same God and Father. Our obligation and responsibility for one another is a given. This video on this news story, and similar other videos, really put us all to shame. I wonder if this is not just a tip of an iceberg, an unforeseen “evil” seeping into our society, a killer cancer embedded and is gradually metastasizing in the very fabric of our souls. If this is the case, then we should all be alarmed and scared. There would come a time when everything we hold dear – such as absolute truth, love, feelings of compassion, service, sacrifice, dying for a greater good, families, country – would just become mere language devoid of meaning and substance. If ever humanity reaches that point, I am almost certain that it would be the beginning and end of humanity. God help us!
13 years ago
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