Going Back to the Basics

Believe it or not, considering that we now live in the so called technological age- we tend to take for granted at times the most fundamental and basic elements of life – our traditional way of living, including our beliefs, behaviors and customs. Included in this traditional way of living is how we treat ourselves with so called traditional medicines if we become ill or sick. Before the discovery and advent of new medicines and the promise of new technology- our forebears, when they got sick(whatever sickness they had) used natural medicines(such as plants, light, mud, water, etc) to cure their illness. No doubt, some people today in this modern age would frown at these so called natural methods for lack of scientific evidence or explanation. But the truth is, natural medicines had been used since time and memorial by people in almost all cultures of the world. And the healing power of many of these natural elements to heal various illnesses are certainly uncontestable.

In the previous article, I wrote something about some natural herbs that are commonly used to treat Diabetes. I’d like to follow up here some of these traditional plants which I intend to use for myself as a supplementary in my current treatment.

A friend of mine advised me to consider looking at some particular herbs that are being used by some people to treat diabetes(for the use of regulating blood sugar). The Chinese and Asian people are very keen to this.

These are some of the common herbs that are currently in use:

Formula 1:

Ingredients: 2 or 3 stems of celery, 1 cucumber, 1 green pepper, 1 bitter melon, and 1 green apple. Cut them into small pieces, mixed them, and blend them together. You drink the liquefied juice 2X a day, morning and evening.

Formula 2:

Ingredient: Celery (500 g). Cut them into small pieces and put them into the blender. You boil the liquefied juice. When it's boiling, lower down the fire. Drink the boiled juice twice a day.

Formula 3:

Ingredients: A stem of Spinach (60 g) and corn silk (30 g). Clean them first and then put them in the pot together. With 3 bowls of water, boil them. When it's boiling, lower down the fire until you see that it has only about 1 bowl of water left. You drink the boiled water.

Formula 4:

Ingredients: Soya Curd bean (180 g), Bitter Melon (200 g), stem of onions. Slice the bitter melon but remove the insides(white linings and seeds). Cut the Soya Curd bean into rectangle shapes, and cut the onions into pieces. Put the cooking oil in the pan first, then the cut onions , followed by the sliced bitter melon, with a little water, then put the Soya Curd bean in rectangle shapes in the pan last. Cook it for 3 to 4 minutes. A very good edible food for diabetics.

For more information, you can visit this site:

I just started drinking the liquefied juice of celery, cucumber, green pepper and bitter melon. The taste was weird and strange. But I intend to continue drinking it and see what happens.

A friend of mine also gave me a prepared juice of the bitter melon, which I also intend to drink regularly.

Aside from these natural herbs and drinks that I am taking, I will, of course, continue with my regular medication like the insulin and the oral pill, metformin - as was directed by my doctor. The natural herb drinks are just dietary supplements and they do not in anyway replace my regular medications.

If you are considering of using these natural herbs and treatments, it is advisable that you first consult with your doctor or health professional about this.


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