A Door Closes, Another Door Opens Up

Today I went bike riding in the park. I have not ridden my new bike in a long time. I haven’t been walking in the last few days as well because I always excused myself of being busy. This time I decided to go and went. Initially, for the last month, I have been exercising quite very religiously. But, for the last few days, I found myself making excuses all the time. That’s what happens sometimes. At times we are so eager to start up with something, then after a while our enthusiasm just fades away like a mist. I really have to make a commitment to exercise. This is a key for losing weight. Right now I need to lose another ten pounds so I could be in a better shape. But this involves dieting and exercise. I hope I will have the will to pursue this regimen regularly.

When I was bike riding in the park this morning, it just dawned on me of how fortunate I was in some way because I had some time to enjoy myself and had some fun. I was talking with myself that if I was not stricken with this disease, maybe I would not have had the opportunity to go to the park and enjoy the beauty of nature, to hear the chirping of birds in the surrounding, to see the beautiful white flowers starting to grow in the meadows. While bike riding around the park, I stopped at some spots and just sat down and closed my eyes for a moment – trying to feel the soft ‘kiss’ of the wind on my face, and just silently listening on the murmurs from my own heart. I told myself, when was the last time I had the opportunity to commune with myself and to enjoy the presence of God in the beauty of nature? Do we ever have time to enjoy ourselves, relax a bit, and appreciate God’s wonderful creation? Many of us go through life with a rush, and often we do not have time to sit down, relax, and enjoy our life and everything around us. Our life is often on the go, always trying to catch up with something. So we are stressed up all the time. At the end of the day, we feel so tired and exhausted. The next day, the same routine and cycle happen all over again. When will we ever enjoy ourselves? This was the question that I asked myself at that moment. On my part, I want to live life to the fullest, and enjoy every moment I have in this life. For me, every moment now is important. From here on, I do not want to take things for granted. I do not want to lose any opportunity that I have for grace. Now I am able to see that even the most insignificant things in life can have an important meaning for us. But I think such a realization was only perceived after I have been stricken with this sickness. So, in some way, after “a door closes up” in my life, a new door and opportunities open up in another way. As I said previously, being stricken with this sickness was not too bad after all. This can also be a blessing in disguise. You know I am always a positive person. I want to discern more at the positive aspects of life, more than its negative elements. And I think, because of my positive attitude, this has kept me going and spurred me on to face my own trials and challenges. Does not psychology speak so much about having positive attitude in life? In every trial or challenges that we face in life, we need and must have a good attitude in order to overcome our hurdles. If, from the beginning of our struggles, we already feel beaten down and have surrendered, then we will naturally be defeated as well. In this kind of battle, good attitude and perseverance are important to win our fight. We cannot have a defeatist attitude, nor can we be complacent or condescending.

I must have spent an hour bike riding around the park. It was a bit tiring and exhausting, but I felt so good about myself afterwards. The sun was brightly shining. The weather was wonderful. And I haven’t felt so much at peace and contented for a while except today. I looked at my watch and it was almost 1 pm in the afternoon, and I haven’t had my lunch yet. As I was heading home, I decided to go back again tomorrow to continue my exercise regimen. I just have to really commit myself for it.


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